Newly-discovered comet might outshine the moon

A faint glow in the constellation of Cancer should become one of the brightest lights in the sky towards the end of 2013, if astronomers' predictions are correct.

Russian astronomers Artyom Novichonok and Vitali Nevski of the

International Scientific Optical Network (ISON) spotted the celestial object, which has now been confirmed as a comet by the International Astronomical Union and named 2012 S1.

It's currently hanging out between Saturn and Jupiter, around 990 million kilometres from Earth, but as the Sun's gravity draws it closer it should pass a mere 10 million kilometres from Mars, giving Nasa's Curiosity rover a stunning view.

As it approaches the Sun, dust and ice will be blasted off the

three-kilometre-wide object, giving it an impressive and highly-reflective tail. Depending on how big that tail gets, it could shine brighter than the full moon in the evenings. "If it lives up to expectations, this comet may be one of the brightest in history," said astronomer Raminder Singh Samra.

However, Samra also warned that past comets have failed to live up to expectations as the intense solar radiation has ripped them apart as they approach the Sun. "While some predictions suggest it may become as bright as the full moon, and even visible during the day, one should be cautious when predicting how exciting a comet may get."

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This article was originally published by WIRED UK